Legal Area
- Real Estate Law
- Tax Law
- Banking and Capital Market Law
- Real Estate Development Projects
- Tax Structuring
- Financing
- Real Estate Transactions
- Structuring and implemention for a turnaround of project developments
- German and International Companies
- Project Developers
- Investors
- Municipal Real Estate Companies
- Credit Institutions
- Managing Partner of Kröner Meltzow Becker & Kollegen StBG
- Member of the tax committee of ZIA Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V.
- Member of the consortium of tax lawyers
- 1st Chairman of the German 29er Klassenvereinigung e.V.
- Mr. Becker also advises in English
Attorney and Tax Advisor – Partner
Jörg H. Becker
T +49 69 79 405 250
F +49 69 79 405 116